Saturday, 30 November 2019

LAUAN603 - Backgrounds and Aesthetics

For "Stupid Question", I knew what kind of look I wanted but not how to execute it.
My first attempt at creating a living room set for Ben and Rover to have their asinine conversation fell flat in many areas. I wanted grit disguised by style, and what I had done so far simply didn't cut it.

Over the following weekend, however, I collaborated with Prathik (who I had previously worked with on AfterLives) to get my muddled vision down. I gave him some notes pertaining to the qualities I wanted, along with several mood boards and sketches.

Prathik in turn gave me some sketches of his own and we discussed where certain things should go and what colours should be used until I had finally rendered my own version (see below).

I am very pleased with how this is looking so far, although I will be messing with the colours and lighting for a while to see what works best. This has inspired me to look into backgrounds more, as it is an area in which I lack a lot of skill, but doing this has given me the enthusiasm to learn. I have picked up "A Primer of Visual Literacy" from the library and will soon be reading "Animate Landscapes" as well.

LAUAN603 - Turnarounds Once More

Redid the turnarounds, much happier with these.
Will do some good dynamic pose sheets at a later date.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

LAUAN603 - Obtaining Wisdom

I have borrowed "Acting for Animators" by Ed Hooks and "Animated Performance" by Nancy Beiman from the library. Both were useful resources of information but I found Beiman's book more informative as it contained tidbits more relevant to the kind of film I'm making.

LAUAN603 - Ben and Rover Cometh

I have started the development of turnaround sheets.
Here we see the film's protagonists: Ben the person and Rover the rabbit, who are also featured in my COP practical this year as examples of characters who were developed from the personality and animation aspect first respectively.

As far as these turnarounds go, I think they'll suffice for now, but I am left a little dissatisfied with them. To me, they look a little stiff and lack the 'soul' and energy that I usually see whenever I draw them casually, so I'm most likely gonna redo these before attempting the dynamic poses and other such reference material.