Wednesday, 8 May 2019

LAUAN504 (AfterLives) - Week Eight

Not much work was required of me during the final week, although I ensured to stay as productive as possible. I completed our press pack, created my visual journals and scoured the internet for usable sound effects, and spent Wednesday with my trusty editor to make sure the film came out as good as it could be.

I am tremendously pleased with how AfterLives turned out.
Not gonna lie, this is the first student project that I am truly satisfied with. The animation, the backgrounds, the interviews, the pacing... virtually every aspect of the film is perfect in my eyes. I'm very proud of both the team and myself,  I think we did a great job.

This was a fantastic way to wrap up my 2nd year at Uni, and it only makes me more eager to come back in September.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

LAUAN504 (AfterLives) - Week Seven

This week was quite hectic, but in a productive way, rest assured.
I coloured the characters I had been working on over Easter (the dolphin, the pig, the peacock, the chinchilla, the bird of paradise and the parakeet), then took on some of the characters that Prathik planned on doing but couldn't due to his workload (the dog and the ram), which I also managed to colour during the weekend.

We also had our final crit - which had us presenting an unfinished version of the film to the class. I was very surprised by how positive the reaction was; lots of laughs and compliments towards the animation really boosted the team's confidence, and we all worked doubly hard to make sure that all the animation was done on time.
However, we still do not have a voice actor for the interviewer. In the W.I.P version of AfterLives above, the voice you hear is none other than myself, acting as a stand-in. There's still time to find someone, but I think we really aught to have given this side of production as much seriousness as we did with things like the animation, character designs and backgrounds etc.

Never the less, I am fully confident that we will have not only a finished film on Thursday, but something worthy of submitting to film and animation festivals.