Monday, 17 December 2018

Character and Narrative - Week Nine

This week I finished another scene which you can find bellow.
This was the first time I had used 3D proxies to help layout 2D movement.

We also produced a half finished version of the final film for formative feedback. We had a mostly positive reaction, although some suggestions regarding music need to be addressed.

Withe the Christmas holidays upon us, my team and I aim to continue working on the animation until we come back in January.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Character and Narrative - Week Eight

Finished another scene this week.
We also adjusted the pacing of the film some more to make it snappier.
Overall, work continues as normal, next week should be when we do sound effects.

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Character and Narrative - Week Seven

Things proceeded as usual this week.
On Friday we had a brief discussion regarding art style consistency, but all it resulted in was us agreeing to stick with thinner line work between us. I spent this week working on one of the last shots of the film. It isn't finished, but here you can see my progress so far.