Tuesday, 28 November 2017

LAUAN403 - Squash and Stretch

For this task, we had to create two pieces of animation to demonstrate our understanding of the principle of  squash and stretch. One had to be of a soft ball dropping to the ground, the other had to feature a similar ball travelling in a lateral motion.

I found this task quite easy, and I think I managed to animate the squashing and stretching of the ball appropriately. The animation of the character in the 2nd video could be improved but he wasn't the main focus of the clip so it doesn't really matter.

I also think I need to get better used to using both photoshop and graphic tablets in general as the line work is noticeably sketchy.

Monday, 27 November 2017

LAUAN403 - Exaggeration

I'll be honest, I didn't enjoy this task very much. Abstract animation has never been my thing and I was hoping that we'd by doing character animation for the exaggeration principle. But it doesn't hurt to try new things, I suppose.

When it comes to what I did, I am satisfied with how they came out, however I believe the pieces could have been more elaborate and complex (I'll justify the simplicity of the films by saying I didn't have a lot of time). I do personally think that my visualisations of the vague sounds were quite good and creative though, even if they weren't executed in the best way possible.

Monday, 6 November 2017

LAUAN403 - Arcs

To start with, I wasn't happy that it took me this long to get around to actually producing this animation as it stressed me out a little. I also aren't happy at how "scruffy" it turned out, since I insisted on redrawing each frame individually and I did it rather quickly. That being said, the actual motion came out fine, and I'd argue that it's the most important part.

For my pivot animation I decided to do a man dancing. Much like the pendulum, this one is incredibly rough around the edges and would have benefited to more time being put into it. And again, I think the movement turned out okay. It could have been timed better, I feel, but it had proper acceleration, acceleration and momentum. I'm also fond of the fact that I added in a few background characters to prevent the film from looking too lifeless and dull.